Discount Blue Rug Juniper 

Blue Rug Juniper

Blue Rug Juniper

The Blue Rug Juniper is a low-lying, creeping evergreen shrub. The growth habit can be described as a dense, low, mat-like plant more

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The Blue Rug Juniper is a low-lying, creeping evergreen shrub. The growth habit can be described as a dense, low, mat-like plant with a height of 4 - 6 inches and a spread of 5 - 6 feet. Foliage is silver-blue that transitions into purple bronze during the winter months. The Blue Rug Juniper is fast growing and is resistant to diseases that normally plague juniper shrubs.The Blue Rug Juniper is a very low-maintenance groundcover shrub. Plant the Juniper in full sun with well-drained acidic soil. Space plants 4 to 6 feet apart to allow for a dense coverage that will prevent weeds from peeking through. To further prevent weeds, pile mulch around the plants making sure that it is not piled on top of the crown of the plant. Once plants become mature, thin them out by pruning them just a little bit to allow air circulation.

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