Discount Sugar Rush Siberian Iris 

Sugar Rush Siberian Iris

Sugar Rush Siberian Iris

Delightful candy hues, the Sugar Rush Iris (Iris sibirica 'Sugar Rush') will add that sweet more

Delightful candy hues, the Sugar Rush Iris (Iris sibirica 'Sugar Rush') will add that sweet fragrance and color combination to your garden beds and borders, as well as to floral bouquets alike! Where do we start with this unique and fragrant color combo?

Well, the interior ribs of the flags are pale lavender, and the rest of the flags are pale peachy pink. Then there are the gold-splashed burgundy-red falls! These unique confectionary blooms go with nearly any color in the garden! Pollinators and hummingbirds will love these blooms!

Sugar Rush Siberian Iris loves moisture and sun! Plant these hardy perennial rhizomes throughout USDA growing zones 4-9 and watch them shoot up to a vertical 24-34 inches of sword-like greenery and spread to 12-24 inches per mature rhizome!

Planting and Application:

Sugar Rush Iris forms 2-foot wide and tall clumps that readily tuck into any existing garden layout or container with ease! Bees and butterflies will be frequent visitors all summer and you'll have enough blooms to include some in your floral bouquets indoors too! Siberian Iris love higher moisture levels round around a Rain Garden or water feature and attract all your favorite garden visitors!

Siberian Iris are very easy-care and low-maintenance, so don't be afraid to plant these vibrant blooms and ornamental grassy blades en masse and in large banks for erosion control, to fill large areas, or just wind through a moist garden bed. Pot them up in a planter or container for vertical thrillers and accents!

  • Multi-Colored Fragrant Blooms
  • Slender Vertical Green Blades
  • Great Hummingbird & Pollinator Magnets
  • Ornamental Grass Substitute!
  • Cut Flowers, Water Gardens, En Masse & Containers

#ProPlantTips for Care:

Siberian Iris rhizomes do best in full sun in cooler zones but appreciate a touch of afternoon shade in hotter hardiness zones. They prefer being planted in very well-drained soils that have adequate moisture. Once planted, water and mulch thoroughly.

Planting Iris Rhizomes

Work a handful of bone meal or slow-release organic fertilizer below the roots. The planting depth of Iris bareroot is generally 3 to 5 inches deep and apart, keeping the pointed side up, backfilling with well-draining topsoil, and then watering in well until the ground freezes. You'll see the bumps or shoots of next year's leaves on one side, so be sure to plant with those facing up. The upper 1/3 of the rhizome should be exposed to sunlight.

When it gets cold, top with a layer of arborist mulch over the rhizome for winter insulation. In spring, pull back the mulch to expose the top one-third of the rhizome once again.

  • Full Sun & Part Shade
  • Almost Any Well-Drained Soil Type
  • Loves Moisture & Mulch
  • Divide Every Few Years
  • Deadhead After Bloom & Prune Leaves After Frost
  • Juglone Resistant & Relatively Deer Resistant
  • Deer, Pest & Disease Resistant

The Siberian Sugar Rush Iris is a playful bloom with loads of appeal and perks! Buy one of these fantastic multi-color flowers for your gardens, vases and pollinators today at! Order quality bareroot rhizomes at Nature Hills today for delivery at the proper planting time for your hardiness zone today!


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